In building surveying, we measure and model the existing building. Sounds simple, doesn't it? The idea of recording a building in its existing form may be easy to understand at first glance - but the quality is in the detail.
We offer various levels of detail based on over 10 years of experience in as-built surveys - so-called drawing standards. It is important to understand that the level of accuracy is the same for all these standards. It is therefore not a question of how accurate the model is, but of the level of detail required for the project in question.
The same applies to deformation-compliant modelling. Of course, it would be easier to straighten all walls and surfaces - and yes, at first glance it would be more convenient for further processing. But that's exactly the point: to capture the existing building as it really is.
If, for example, a window is modelled incorrectly by 10 cm just because it is easier, this can lead to big surprises when it is implemented later.
And we avoid such surprises. The model must be accurate and reliable, because it is the basis for future planning and renovations. Because at the end of the day, it's not just about ‘measuring’ the building, but understanding it in such a way that architects, clients and planners can trust it. It's about planning reliability at the highest level.
We focus on customised solutions. In this project, we used the ‘Standard’ drawing standard. However, as the framework is important for the conversion, we modelled it - although it is normally only taken into account for higher standards. The standard was perfectly adequate for the rest of the building.
In building surveying, we measure and model the existing building. Sounds simple, doesn't it? The idea of recording a building in its existing form may be easy to understand at first glance - but the quality is in the detail.